"What Can I Give? What can a volunteer offer to any project in fact?"
Volunteering and doing work experience broad is a great chance to accelerate your skills, to learn, travel and experience a new place on the beautiful planet earth. But what does your project get in return? Does going out to volunteer really help the project, I hear you say….
This is a question we hear quite a lot from people thinking of joining us in Africa or India and there is one answer; here it is: These projects would not be running without you.
All of the charities we send volunteers to are funded between 40% - 100% by volunteer donations. No volunteers= no conservation projects, no anti poaching units, no sterilisation missions , emergency response vets or community welfare programs. There is no question about it, our volunteers are a lifeline for our projects.

Beyond the financial support, our volunteers bring with them things that money cannot buy. Witnessing the enthusiasm each new volunteer brings with them is a great part of the job for our team on the ground. It is new friendships made, cultures experienced and new ideas shared from across the word, all working towards the benefit of animals. The medical donations brought by volunteers are so important; even if we had lots of money in that country, we would not be able to gather the things you bring for us. The challenges of working in developing countries!
Our volunteers join the ever growing Worldwide Vets family, and it is their spirit, passion and commitment that makes working for Worldwide Vets such a pleasure, and helps our projects remain sustainable. You will not just be going to a place to see culture, nature, people and history, you will be doing all that, whilst providing skills and funds to keep a charity alive.

So there it is, volunteering keeps these projects alive. No person alone can 'save the world', but together we can make one small step at a time to making it a better and more sustainable place. And our volunteers are the heart and sole of this. If you think you can give us your time, to come and assist and support our conservation or veterinary clinics, get in touch.
You don't need any past experience or qualifications.
If you are interested in joining our family and volunteering with us, email info@worldwidevets.com to find out more or visit www.worldwidevets.com